Tom Horsley BCCSDip.DogBhv

About Me:

A little bit about me. I am an ethical dog trainer / behaviourist who uses positive reinforcement methods to coach dogs. Currently studying for my level 4 certifications with the IMDT, I already have a level 3 diploma in dog behaviour from the BCCS. I am also constantly keeping up with my own training through specialised CPD courses. I give up my own time to help adopters of dogs from a rescue in Bulgaria, where my gorgeous dog Rapunzel came from.

Tom with his various dogs.

Ludo, Fidget and Rapunzel

Along side “Coaching The Dog” I run my dog and pet photography business Shooting The Dog. Working with dogs in the studio and on location, along with owning a misunderstood terrier called Ludo, sparked the “dog behaviour” fire that that has led me to where I am now. I now seem to have an unquenchable thirst to learn as much as I can about dog behaviour.

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