Getting a new puppy is an exciting time, but things can get quickly out of hand if you don’t learn to listen to each other.

Everything starts with a basic and a consistent way of communicating with your puppy. This will, in turn, build confidence and trust between you and your puppy.

My puppy coaching will teach both you and your puppy how to enjoy your time together by understanding more about each other. The puppy coaching will cover the basic commands needed to keep your new best friend safe but also teach you how to channel your dog’s natural intincts into safe and fun games.

Coaching The Dog Puppy Coaching
Young Jack Russell Puppy
Coaching The Dog Puppy Coaching
Young Jack Russel Puppy playing with a toy

Together we will cover timing of commands and rewards, how to make sure you are the centre of your dog’s attention, and most importantly we will all have a lot of fun. Once the basics are sorted, then you will have a great foundation to start looking at more advanced training.

Our next step will be taking what you learn out into the big wide (distracting) world. Ensuring you know what to do to get the best out of your dog in a more challenging environment.

How Much Does The Puppy Coaching Program Cost?

The perfect dog doesn’t appear over-night, so our puppy coaching coaching program consists of six lessons.

  • A one hour initial visit and five half hour follow-up sessions costs £200, payable before our first session.
  • Additional one hour sessions can be added at £50 each. For when you feel you need more time or a little extra help with certain behaviours.

Contact us for more information or to tailor a program to fit your exact needs: