Tag: rescue dogs

  • Hold Tight! This Could Be A Bumpy Ride.

    Hold Tight! This Could Be A Bumpy Ride.

    Dog training is very rarely straightforward, so hold on tight this could be a bumpy ride. While it would be lovely to think that everything progresses nicely and your dog becomes a bit more “perfect” everyday, this is seldom the case. While things might seem to be heading in the right direction today, tomorrow they…

  • Rapunzel: The Progress So Far

    Rapunzel: The Progress So Far

    Rapuzel is my Bulgarian rescue dog. I thought I would give you some of the background on my rescue dog, Rapunzel, and the progress we have made together so far. She drives me to improve my dog behaviour knowledge and understanding. Everything we learn together increases the bond we now have. A bit of history.…